Communication and conflict

Conflicts can occur for many reasons.

Conflicts may occur when:

  • one person or their values feel threatened;
  • when there is a clash of beliefs;
  • when there is a disagreement that is not readily solvable; or
  • if one person feels they are not being respected or listened to.

Few people enjoy engaging in conflict. Conflicts can become emotional because how you feel plays a large role in contributing to the difficulty of a conversation. Emotions can also be expressed differently by different people. Whereas some people may react to feeling threatened with anger, others may withdraw and avoid engaging entirely. You will likely respond differently to others in terms of how you participate in, and process, conflict.

School-based conflict

Conflicts occur at multiple levels, such as between students and teachers, teachers and parents and carers, and between staff. Conflicts may be a source of concern for students and their parents and carers, particularly during periods of transition, change, and uncertainty.

Have a look at the NSW Government’s page on conflict resolution, including the drop-down boxes.