Guide to Thrive

Year 6 - 7 transition program
Inspire students to leap into Year 7
Welcome to Guide to Thrive
Life Ed’s Guide to Thrive is a free toolkit containing more than 45 evidence-based resources to help teachers guide students as they embark upon the exciting but sometimes daunting move to secondary school.
Life Ed’s research, conducted in partnership with the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), found many primary students feel unprepared and anxious about the transition to secondary school, and want more guidance to ease the change, including better preparation in Year 6 and more support throughout Year 7.
Guide to Thrive has been designed to make life easier for teachers, the Program offers flexibility and most importantly saves time. This short video will take you through the 4 simple steps in the Teacher / Student Learning Process so you can easily navigate the site and quickly get started using and implementing the resources in your classroom.
Guide to Thrive explainer video
The Teacher/ Student Learning Process has four (4) simple steps.
- Review the Research & Design – immerse yourself in the extensive research that underpins the Program.
- Start with the Teacher Professional Development (PD) - self-paced and flexible, these are mapped to AITSL teaching standards.
- Implement the practical activities in the Classroom Implementation stage - embedding the learning from the PD into practice.
- Review the Support for Parents & Carers – including complementary resources for parents and carers to help secondary school transition.