Resource: Recognise, respond, report
Resources for parents and carers
There are a number of resources that parents and carers can access that can help them to understand cyberbullying, and where to get help. Make sure to inform parents and carers of these resources, as parents and carers need to be aware of how to keep their young people safe online.
Life Ed has created five flyers to assist parents and carers understand bullying, help their young people, report bullying and keep them safe online. They are housed in the Parent and carer resource pack.
The following resources are also available in the Life Ed Parent and carer resource packs.
- Bullying Conversations - Life Ed
- Kids And Parents Talk About How Bullying Hurts | TODAY - YouTube
- Bully A Plant: Say No To Bullying - YouTube
- Kid President's Guide to Making a New Friend - YouTube
- How words affect us... and our cells - YouTube
- Is it ever okay to fight back against a bully? - Short & Curly - ABC Radio