Recognise, respond, report
About this resource
This resource focuses on learning about bullying, so you can support students and parents and carers who may be impacted by bullying. You will consider what bullying is and what the impacts are, and be introduced to ways to support students, parents and carers, and yourself, when faced with bullying and its implications.
Life Ed created this video for parents and carers to watch with their young people and is housed in the Parents and carers part of this resource. Consider watching it with your students and encouraging them to share and watch with families. The attachments house the flyers that have been created to assist parents and carers in navigating these conversations.
Bullying conversations
3.7 – Engage parents and carers in the educative process
Describe a broad range of strategies for involving parents and carers in the educative process.
4.1 – Support student participation
Identify strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement in classroom activities.
7.3 – Engage with the parents and carers
Understand strategies for working effectively, sensitively and confidentially with parents and carers.
Health and Physical Education: Health and Physical Education | The Australian Curriculum
GC: Critical and Creative Thinking
GC: Personal and Social Capability
- assessing the impact of different relationships on personal health and wellbeing
- proposing strategies for managing the changing nature of relationships, including dealing with bullying and harassment and building new friendships
- practise skills to establish and manage relationships