Learning activity 2 – Reading a timetable

This activity leads students through reading school and other timetables. This activity is location-specific, and so will need some prior preparation from the teacher.

Firstly, Year 6 teachers will need to collect examples of timetables from secondary schools in the area. If you can gain timetables from schools some of your students might attend, this is ideal (your transition coordinator might be able to help). If no timetables are available, you may need to create one based on the school start/finish times and other information on the school website, or, you can use a generic timetable from an image search. Year 7 teachers will be able to use their actual timetable.

  1. Reflect on the similarities and differences between the timetables collected and what students are used to at their (former) primary school. How can this be used as a point of discussion in class?
  2. Review the classroom activity on reading timetables.