Classroom activity 1c – Making the time and place – How do you want homework to happen?

Tasks are easier to do if they are part of our routine. We know, however, that it can take four to eight weeks to get used to a new routine! Establishing a routine is worth the effort though, as it can help us feel like our life is a little more ordered and predictable. If you can successfully establish a routine for homework, you can also use your strategies to organise your life when you are older (e.g., for other study, work, or sports/hobbies).

Fill in the table in the attachment to identify what you think will work best for you. If you do this on paper, write in pencil so that you can erase and change your ideas if you want to later on.


  What works best for me? Potential challenges and solutions
Where will you do homework?    
What time works best for you?
(For example, straight after school? After dinner?)
What resources will you need?
(For example, pencils, paper, iPad)
Where will you keep them?
How will you keep track of what
you have done, and how long it took?
(For example, diary, notebook)

When you’ve identified what would work best for you, think of some of the challenges you may face. For example, you might like to do your homework straight after school on the comfortable couch in the lounge room but that is when your sibling likes to watch a TV show in the same place. How could you solve this challenge?

Helpful reference: Help with homework – NSW Department of Education