Resource: Managing my time
Classroom activity 1b – Making the time and place – Future practice
Future practice (works best with Year 7 during orientation, but could be for other year levels/times)
Discuss with students what the secondary school expectations are for homework. This may come from the school’s official homework policy or, if you are in the secondary school, may be common knowledge for the teachers.
Record expectations. Use the same format as the ‘current practice’ activity, if you are doing both.
Using both your Year 6 and 7 (or ‘current’ and ‘future’) time, place and subject responses, make comparisons between the data.
Time – Year 6
Mon 30-40 mins
Tues 30mins
Wed 30mins
Thurs 40mins
Fri 0mins
Sat/Sun 30mins
Time – Year 7
Mon ?
Tues ?
Wed ?
Thurs ?
Fri ?
Sat/Sun ?