New school mapping - Scavenger hunt

Learning activity 1 – Year 7 scavenger hunt

Jess on a scavenger hunt

Provide students with a school map and the list of items in the scavenger hunt.

Have students during the session go off in pairs – however, have them sent to different destinations to begin with. As always, let them know about school etiquette as they move around the school. You may need to provide a badge or pass so that other staff know that students are doing a school-based activity for transition.

If students have access to devices, they might also take photos of the places they discover and clues they solve.

Provide them with a time limit, for example, 20 minutes.

When students return, discuss the following:

  1. What was easy to locate?
  2. What was difficult to locate?
  3. Did they have trouble with the clues provided?
  4. What areas might be ‘out of bounds’ on occasion?
  5. Did anyone find the emergency assembly areas? What are they used for?
  6. Did anyone get lost? What did you do to ‘find yourself’ again?

Scavenger hunt list

Find the following locations – read the clues carefully!

Write down or photograph the number/letter of the room and the name of the building:

  1. LeBron James! What a champion
  2. Where I work out equations
  3. Albert Einstein E=mc2
  4. Australian Diamonds
  5. My stomach is rumbling
  6. Ash Barty
  7. Red Cross
  8. Heavy Metal
  9. Need to get ready for that Grand Final!
  10. The principal needs to speak to the whole school
  11. MasterChef
  12. I can’t hold on any longer!
  13. The Happiest Man on Earth can be found here
  14. If I am late… I need to report here ☹

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