Resource: Navigating school timetables
Learning activity 1 – Familiar timetables for home and at school

Teachers may wish to use small groups, whole-class discussion, text-based thinking, or a combination of these.
- Have students identify the timetables they use at school.
- Have students brainstorm timetables they use at home (e.g. free-to-air TV guide).
- What are the similarities between the timetables in questions 1&2? What are the differences?
- Why do we have timetables at primary school? Who uses them and why?
- What would happen if there were no timetables at school? Who would this affect and what kinds of things could go wrong?
- Now think about home timetables that are both visual (TV, appointments) and those that are assumed (time for bed; time to get up in the morning). What would go wrong if there were no timetables at home?
- What skills do we need to be able to use timetables effectively?