Bullies, bystanders and upstanders
About this resource
What does bullying do to us?
Following are classroom activities to explore this subject and a downloadable document in Attachments. You may wish to complement this by sharing this video housed in the Parents and carers resource with young people and encourage them to watch it with their parents and carers.
Bullying conversations
- Build student awareness around bullying;
- Build student confidence;
- Build critical thinking skills; and
- Improve student relationships.
- Consider the impacts of bullying and conflict;
- Understand the connection between empathy and bullying prevention; and
- Understand how to be an upstander and how to get help when being bullied.
Students will be able to:
- describe positive and negative friendships;
- problem solve and negotiate conflict in their relationships;
- describe bullying and its impacts; and
- explore help seeking mechanisms.
Peer assessment
Students assessing other students’ learning, with a simple rubric or other instructions to guide feedback
Students assessing their own learning, with a rubric or other instructions for guidance
Teacher observation
Teacher observation of student learning, with a simple rubric, tick-box or other protocol to record observations
Teacher questioning
Guided questioning from a teacher intended to prompt thinking related to the topic
Direct instruction
Explicit teaching of knowledge and skills to students. This could be through a variety of formats – lecture, readings, demonstrations, etc. Often used at the beginning of a unit or module to cover basic knowledge and set pathways for learning.
Commentary from teachers or peers on a student’s work. This could be spoken or written, with the goals of acknowledging success and providing guidance for improvement.
Inquiry and problem-based learning
Inquiry learning is focused on a question or questions that guide the learning goals for a unit or module. Problem-based learning is focused on a problem or problems that guide the learning goals for a unit or module. Questions and problems may be generated by the teacher, the students, or by teacher and students together.
A variety of questioning tactics to generate discussion. This could include formal, guided questioning from the teacher to direct discussions, as well as informal questioning – teacher-student and student-student – to clarify knowledge and explore topics further.
Work in class independently
Students working by themselves in the classroom, with support from the teacher and available learning materials.
Work in teams or pairs
Student working with other students in the classroom, with support from the teacher and available learning materials. Student groups/pairs can be set by the teacher or formed by students themselves, depending on the needs of the learning task.
Work with family members
This activity involves working with a parent and/or carer, or other responsible adult in the student’s home environment.
The topics of bullying, resolving conflict and overcoming interpersonal issues can be explored in many curriculum areas. The sections most relevant to learning about bullying are:
- Personal and Social Capability (General capabilities)
- Critical and Creative Thinking (General capabilities)
- Health and Physical Education
Australian Curriculum links are made available to further support students to develop their skills, knowledge and understandings based upon the ‘Elaborations’. Use the links to provide further activities for students with homework tasks and activities.
Health and Physical Education: Health and Physical Education | The Australian Curriculum
GC: Critical and Creative Thinking
GC: Personal and Social Capability
- assessing the impact of different relationships on personal health and wellbeing
- proposing strategies for managing the changing nature of relationships, including dealing with bullying and harassment and building new friendships
- practise skills to establish and manage relationships
- IKEA ad: Bully A Plant: Say No To Bullying - YouTube
- Laptop device or Computer
- SmartBoard or viewing TV to show and tell
- Alternative approaches for students with no smart phone or suitable computer device at home